Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

Yosua Errol Christian

Nama                           : Yosua Errol Christian
Tempat, tanggal lahir     : Semarang, 18 Desember 1993
Nama Orangtua
Ayah                 : Priyonugroho Wisnu Wibowo
Ibu                    : Winarsih
Alamat                          : Klipang PGRI J/ 104 Semarang
No. Telp                        : 081805869613
Tempat PKL                   : PT Propan Raya ICC
Hobi                             : Tinju, Main Band
Motto                           : Dare to be great, Dare to be powerfull beyond measure
Kesan                           : SMKKI Yahud...
Pesan    : Break the limit, Over the top, Positive thinking, Stop complaint, Do the best, and keep moving forward guys...